Thursday, December 4, 2008

Trust in the Lord


Light one candle.

Pray this prayer. Have your child repeat phrase by phrase.
Dear Jesus,
help us trust you
all the time

Read this Bible thought from Isaiah 26:3-4. Have your child repeat phrase by phrase.
We have peace
when we trust God.

When my kids were small, they enjoyed doing things with me that were a little bit scary but where they had a lot of fun and would laugh and laugh. Have something in mind to do with your kids like wrestling with them, tossing them gently and catching them, doing something "gymnastic" like holding them while they stand on their hands. Make sure it's something that you have done before with them and something that you know they like! You want this to be an experience where you can talk about trust.

Say something like this... Again, make sure that what you are using as an example is something that you know they like to do.
Do you like it when I (wrestle with you, catch you, hold you up... whatever you plan to do...)?

Your child will say yes!

Surprise them by doing whatever you have planned for a couple of minutes.

Then stop, catch your breath, and say:
Did I surprise you? We had fun, didn't we? Why is it fun for you?
Let your child say whatever they want.

Then continue by saying something like this:
When we have fun, we are "trusting" the one we're having fun with. That's why we can have fun even when it's a little scary.

Just like you trust me, I trust God. I hope you will learn to trust God too!

Pray this prayer. Have your child repeat phrase by phrase.
Dear Jesus,
help us trust you
all the time
Add your own thoughts and prayers.

Read this Bible thought from Isaiah 26:3-4. Have your child repeat phrase by phrase.
We have peace
when we trust God.

Put out the candle.

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